Cognitive Engineering Technology, LLC

About Us

Without the right INFORMATION, you're unlikely to find the right ANSWERS

Performance & Productivity

Cogent is a small woman-owned business providing customized, personalized cognitive engineering services. Laura Strater, our President  and Founder, has more than 20 years experience as a researcher and practitioner applying the latest research findings in the fields of Situation Awareness, Decision Making and Cognitive Science to improve human interactions with advanced technological systems. In particular, Laura specializes in identifying which bits of information operators need to make effective decisions, determining which bits they actually have, and coming up with ways to close the gap.


We live in the information age. More data is being created not just every day, but every instant. Today, more than ever before, we struggle to sort through the masses of data available​ to find those bits that we need to achieve our goals, make our decisions, and be effective in our tasks.